**NOTICE: CSCA Meeting Rescheduled for
November 3rd**
Due to a lack of a quorum, the next meeting of the CSCA will be held on Saturday November 3rd from 2-4pm at the Meriden Library in the Marion Cook Room, at 105 Miller Street in Meriden, CT
July 12
Jaahhh mahn, chess at WH Beach. Thurs nights 6-9pm.
Let the good times roll…with Modern Apizza!
July 7

GM Sam Shankland (2786) the 2018 US Champion, simul in western CT

and lecture…all 29 participants had a great time!

Thanks to Glenn Budzinski, event organizer.
Result: 28 wins, 1 draw. See Adeethyia Shankkar’s drawn game played in our Game Viewer and more info…
June 24
Results for at 43th NECA in Stamford 49 players .
June 23
Results of 2018 Coventry Summer Open.
June 16
Nelson Castañeda Alvarez wins NBCC Saturday Swiss.
June 11
David Brodsky (NY) wins 24th Annual Northeast Open in Stamford.
June 10
State High School Champion Yoon-Young Kim achieves an International Master norm at the CCCSA GM/IM Norm Invitational in Charlotte, NC winning his section with 7/9.
Starts June 7
June 2
2018 Planet Earth Championship. Winner was Rajesh Coimbatore Shanmugasundaram on 2nd tiebreaker over Nelson Castañeda Alvarez. Results

from left: Nelson, Rajesh and tournament organizer Norman Burtness.
US Champion Simul in Newtown!
GM Sam Shankland. More Info
May 19
2018 Constitution State Open, Coventry
Daniel Smith (RI) wins Constitution State Open
April 29
Results of 42nd NECA.
April 29
Mark Bourque wins class A and Nathan Chang wins class B at the Eastern Class Championships in Sturbridge
all results
April 28
NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CSCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS…..PLEASE RSVP. (Jim C, Bob M, CJ, Rich C, Bruce S, Derek M, Norman B, Alex L). Meeting Minutes
April 27-30
Eastern Class Championships, Sturbridge MA.
April 25
Results of 41st NECA.
June 21
Suhas Kodali and Jithu Saajevan co-winners with 3/3 at 2018 Nathan Hale Open.
June 14
Brunswick Scholastic in Greenwich. Results
April 21
2018 Nathan Hale Open
Suhas Kodali and Jithu Saajevan co-winners with 3/3
April 9
Derek Meredith (2021Q) wins 2018 CT Rapids Championship!
Sam Yisehak and Jason Chen take 2nd and 3rd Place, U1200. Results
April 7

William Torres (2013R, 1919Q) is the 2018 CT Quick Chess State Champion! Congratulations!

Winners of the CT Quick Open, U1700, and U1200 Sections. Results
March 31
Yoon-Young Kim, Daniel Zhou and Beatrice Low have won the nomination to represent Connecticut at the Denker Tournament of High School Champions, the Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions, and the Girls Tournament of National Champions in Madison, WI this summer.
Final results
March 24
Master Yoon-young Kim (2377 –> 2381) wins 2018 New Haven Championships! Cold Spring School takes home 1st Place Team trophy! See Results.
March 10
Master Arslan Otchiyev, 28, a Master Instructor at the Chess Club of Fairfield County in Norwalk, wins Connecticut Open State Championship held at Hall High School, West Hartford!
Arslan Otchiyev (2377)
Arslan is a USCF certified “Life Master” with a USCF peak rating: 2409. Currently residing in Connecticut Mr. Otchiyev is among the Top 1% of competitive players nationally in the U.S. He was six time national champion of Turkmenistan.
23 players competed in the event. See Results
March 3:
2018 Scholastic State Champions are Yoon-Young Kim (9-12), Sadie Edelman (4-9), Robert Ulmer (K-6) and Erik Nebylovych (K-3).
2018 Team State Champions are Ludlow Middle School (Fairfield), West Woods Upper Elementary School (Farmington) and Riverfield Elemenntary School (Fairfield).
Full results of the High, Middle, Elementary, Primary School and Unrated sections.
Rating report of the event.
February 3
West Woods School wins 2018 Greater New Haven Open 1st Place Team !
Matthew Larson (2433) wins Open. Shan Kerr wins U800 Section with perfect 5.0 score. See more Results
December 12IM Jan Van de Mortel (2541) wins
2017 CT State Blitz Championship!
Sat Dec 9, 1:00-3:00pm
WH Police Dept., 200 Saw Mill Rd. West Haven
November 19
Girl Power Prevails at 2017 Greater New Haven Fall Open!
If this year’s GNHFO had anything interesting about it, it was the strong performance of females in the scholastic sections. Sandhya Sudarsanam won the U1000 section with a perfect 5-0 score, Akshita Ashokkumar took 3rd in the U800 section, and Ripley Chance took first place in the Non-rated section, making this year’s tournament the best performance for females in the tournament’s 20 year history!
Way to go girls!
In the Open section, 2017 USOpen winner GM Alex Lenderman (2687) took clear 1st Place, with FIDE Master Boris Privman (2304) and 3 other Masters close behind..
Next tournament 2018 Greater New Haven Winter Open, Sat Feb 3. Tell your friends!
October 1
CSCA Board of Directors Meeting, WH Police Dept,200 Saw Mill Rd. West Haven
August 8
Results by CT representatives at the national tournaments for state scholastic champions in Norfolk, VA:
- Denker (High School): Zachary Tanenbaum 23rd/48 with 3.0/6 score
- Barber (K-8): Bryan Weisz: 16th/48 with 3.5/6 score
- NGTOC (Girls): Beatrice Low: 25th/42 with 3.0/6 score
April 30
Finals of the NNGP to determine CT Representatives for nationals were played at University of New Haven.
Here are the final three tables, with 4 players each, for Denker, Barber and Girls nominations:
Winners Zachary Tanenbaum (Denker), Bryan Weisz (Barber) and Beatrice Low (Girls)
April 30
CT Scholastic Quick Chess State Championship was played in New Haven. Winners are:
- Elementary: Jake Lumelsky from Bugbee Elementary in West Hartford,
- Middle: Preston Deleo from Woodbury Middle,
- High School: Alex Palvinksi from Barlow High in Redding.
Bartels Hall at University of New Haven.
April 5
Press release for CCO Statewide Championships held in West Hartford and New Haven.
April 2
CT Rapid State Championships

Mike Lei Wang (Quick 1876), a high school student at The Franklin Academy in East Haddam, CT swept a very strong field at the first ever CSCA CT Rapids State Championships, held in West Haven. He won all 7 games, in the process beating 2 National Masters and a FIDE Master. Congratulations Mike! (for details see the RESULTS section of this site)
March 19
Press release for Thomas Hartmayer Memorial.
Final standings of NNGP are here.
3/9 Match Simsbury High School versus UConn was played in Storrs.
UConn won 9.5 – 6.5
Team Simsbury with the UConn Husky in front of Gampel Pavilion.
March 4
Ted McHugh III from Simsbury won the 2017 CT State Championship, 2nd/3rd place tie-break went to Nelson Castaneda over Gary Shure. In the Candidates section, the top two finishers qualify for automatic seeding in the championship section next year.
Taking first on tie-breaks was Manav Ramprasad with 3.5/4.0 pts, 2nd place was Pranav Jayaganesh. The Class prize winners were:
Class B, William Adamson, Class C, Harold Blanchard and Class D, Dhanush Kalandi. Overall, 20 scholastic players competed in the tournament.
Above Ted with black during his game in the last round against Gary Shure.
March 4
The first CT Scholastic Team State Championship was held at Hall High School in West Hartford – 25 teams (of 4 players each) participated.
Winners were:
• Elementary: Bugbee School
• Middle: King Philip Middle School
• High: Simsbury High School
February 12
Scholastic State Championship at CREC Two Rivers Middle School in East Hartford. On a snowy day many still participated. TD IM Jan van de Mortel in the middle. Winners individual: 9-12 Zachary Tanenbaum, 4-9 Bryan Weisz, K-6 Robert Ulmer, K-3 Max Ingargiola. Winners team: 9-12 Simsbury High School, 4-9 King Philip West Hartford, K-6 Brunswick Greenwich
More details at the RESULTS section of this site and in the CCO press release
Standings of National Nominations Grand Prix are here.
February 12
Scholastic State High School team trophy winners:Simsbury High School
January 26
UConn scholarships. UConn announced $14,000 in UConn scholarships to be awarded at the CT State K-12 Championships
Feb 12th. See the amended flyer in the EVENTS section of this site.
January 25
Hebron club in Hartford Courant picture of Rob Roy at the Hebron Library. Click here to read the article. (image by Melanie Savage/Hartford Courant)
January 21
Beatrice Low wins CT Girls State Championship
Press release by CCO is here
Latest standings in National Nominations Grand Prix are here
January 5
Press releases by CCO regarding NNGO round 2 and the CT Blitz Championship